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Tourism PEI

Come celebrate Lucy Maud Montgomery’s 150th birthday!

In 2024, we invite you to a once-in-a-lifetime literary celebration to Prince Edward Island, the enchanting setting that inspired Lucy Maud Montgomery's timeless classic, Anne of Green Gables. 2024 marks the 150th birthday celebration of the renowned author, and the Island is inviting fans from around the world to immerse themselves in the very landscapes that captured LM Montgomery’s imagination. Experience the magic firsthand throughout the LM Montgomery Literary Tour, guiding you through the picturesque locales she vividly brought to life in her novels. From the bustling streets of Charlottetown, where Anne of Green Gables–The Musical™  graces the stage every second year, to the serene homesteads and haunted woods of Cavendish, every corner of the Island resonates with Montgomery's literary legacy. Sit at a desk in the very school where Montgomery herself taught in Lower Bedeque, gaining insight into the profound influence the Island had on her characters. Visit Montgomery Park and nearby, her place of worship and rest.  Feel the echoes of her creativity in the very air around you. Before you join the celebration in 2024, lose yourself in the pages of Montgomery's works or delve into her handwritten manuscripts, understanding the depth of her connection to this captivating Island. Come, be a part of this extraordinary tribute to a literary icon and the enchanted world she created.

Close up of bronze statue of L.M. Montgomery at Montgomery Park in summer
Montgomery Park