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Tourism PEI

Is there a live reenactment of Anne of Green Gables besides The Musical?

Answer by:
Portrait image of Nicole Bellefleur
General Island

Good morning Brenda,

Thank you for your Ask an Islander question.

In addition to the Charlottetown Festival's "Anne of Green Gables - The Musical" which plays at the Confederation Center of the Arts, there is also "Anne and Gilbert."

The two musicals are different, and they complement one another well. "Anne of Green Gables" tells the story of Anne as a child, moving to PEI and, after many mishaps and misfortunes, eventually winning the hearts of the people of Avonlea. "Anne and Gilbert" tells the story of Anne as a young woman, embarking on a teaching career and falling in love. I have seen both shows several times, and really enjoyed them... I laughed, I cried, I cheered.

Beyond these two shows, you'll also sometimes bump into Anne wandering about, greeting visitors (I saw her recently at the Montgomery Inn at Ingleside... she served me lemonade and we had a nice chat).

If you have any other questions about Anne, or about PEI in general, please don't hesitate to reach out again... we're always happy to help!


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Portrait image of Nicole Bellefleur
General Island

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